Our Approach

Our Mission:

The mission of the Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC) is to promote collaboration, education, and joint exercises during the planning and preparedness phases of emergency management. During real-world operations, the mission of the CT HCC is to help identify resources at the state and sub-state levels, and to collect, analyze, validate, and disseminate essential elements of information (EEIs) to partner agencies.

Who we are:

The Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC) is a diverse body of hospitals, healthcare networks, healthcare providers, state health agencies, and emergency management agencies. On July 1st, 2019, the Connecticut Department of Public Health transitioned from five regional Healthcare Coalitions to a single statewide Health Care Coalition, the Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC). Current members of the CT HCC include:

  • Bristol-Burlington Health District
  • The Community Health Center, Inc.
  • Connecticut Association of Directors of Health (CADH)
  • Connecticut Children's Medical Center
  • Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH)
  • Connecticut Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS)
  • Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA)
  • Eastern Connecticut Health Network (ECHN)
  • East Shore Health Department
  • ESF-8 Partners
  • Hartford HealthCare
  • Hospital for Special Care
  • Nuvance Health
  • Torrington Area Health District
  • Trinity Health Of New England
  • Waterbury Public Health Department
  • Yale New Haven Health System

Our Goal:

The goal of the CT HCC, commensurate with the purpose set forth by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) for health care coalitions, is the development of healthcare preparedness and response capabilities throughout Connecticut. To this end, the CT HCC will conduct capabilities-based planning to advance health and medical capacity to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the impact of large-scale emergencies and disasters. Planning activities will be consistent with the four healthcare preparedness and response capabilities as established by ASPR which are:

  • Foundation for Health Care and Medical Readiness
    • This capability focuses on a foundation for readiness built through engaged Health Care Coalitions, by identifying community risks and needs, through the development and coordination of coalition preparedness plans, the training of our health care workforce, and by working to ensure coalition efforts are sustainable.
  • Health Care and Medical Response Coordination
    • This capability focuses on the development of coordinated response plans, including identification and use of information sharing platforms and procedures, determining coordinated response and communication strategies, and ensuring coordination of resource needs during emergencies.
  • Continuity of Health Care Service Delivery
    • This capability focuses on member agencies requirement to identify their essential functions and develop a continuity of operations plan for their organization. It also addresses the need to obtain non-personnel resources and ensure supply chain integrity while also protecting information and the health and safety of responders.
  • Medical Surge
    • This capability focuses on planning for and responding to a medical surge, it also addresses possible surge incident types.

Our Future:

The CT HCC has recently developed additional short and long term goals to expand membership and capabilities. Some of these additional goals include:

  • Identify new internal and external partners within the areas of Public Health, Emergency Management, Hospitals, Emergency Medical Services, Ancillary Care, ESF-8, Private Vendors, Professional Organizations, Educational Institutions, Clinical Provider Associations, Nursing Homes, Long Term Care Facilities and Behavior Health.
  • Develop networking opportunities for non-core membership types
  • Increase education and training opportunities for both core and non-core membership types
  • Grow Community Engagement
  • Consolidation of reporting systems



If you would like more information about membership in the Connecticut Health Care Coalition, pleaseĀ Contact Us.


Our Story

Coalition Stakeholders

The CT HCC is growing, with new members and guests joining every month. To learn more about the entire CT HCC network of members, guests, and other stakeholders, you can explore the interactive map below:

Healthcare Network Logo1

Public Health Partners