CT HCC-Sponsored Training Opportunities


The Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC) sponsors a variety of training opportunities across the state with the goal of improving the state of emergency preparedness in Connecticut. Please check below for more information about the training opportunities available to members, stakeholders, and guests.

Virtual Continuity of Operations (COOP) Workshop

Join us for a virtual Continuity of Operations (COOP) workshop sponsored by the Connecticut Health Care Coalition. You will learn about the elements of a COOP, the benefits of COOP planning, how to conduct a Hybrid Business Impact Analysis, and other helpful tips and tricks!

This workshop will take place on June 26, 2024 from 10am-2pm ET. CT HCC members who represent a healthcare facility and those working in an emergency preparedness role will be prioritized as registrants.

Click HERE to register for this workshop.

We look forward to seeing you there!

AVADE De-Escalation Training

The Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC) is offering a series of de-escalation training sessions for coalition members and partners through AVADE Workplace Violence Prevention. The AVADE De-Escalation Training Program is designed to educate, prevent, and mitigate the risk of escalation, aggression, and violence to individuals in the workplace. Participants will learn how to effectively create, develop, and enhance their communication skills and de-escalation skills with habits and actions. Participants will learn strategies and techniques to avoid, prevent, and mitigate violence in the workplace.

The coalition is offering five sessions of de-escalation training, as well as one train-the-trainer session to ensure that de-escalation education can continue in the State of Connecticut. Please click on the links below to learn more about each type of course:

One-Day De-Escalation Course

One-Day Train-the-Trainer Course

Each session will take place over the course of one full day, with an estimated start time of 8 AM ET and an estimated end time of 5 PM ET. There are no pre-requisites for either course, and individuals who register for the train-the-trainer course do NOT have to take the de-escalation course first.

Ready to Register?

Click here to sign up before seats run out!