Join the Coalition Today!

Table of Contents

Would you like to learn more about the types of participants within the coalition?

Click here for a breakdown of each participant type and the role they play

Benefits of Member Organizations

    • Eligible to vote on coalition business (one vote per member organization)
    • Access to the Coalition Member Portal of the website where all coalition plans, coalition member contact information, training and exercise templates are housed
    • Eligible to apply for funding for coalition projects
    • Eligible to receive reimbursement to attend approved preparedness and response conferences and other professional development opportunities
    • Use of coalition-funded equipment
    • Networking and information sharing opportunities to collaborate with peers around the state

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Membership in the Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC) is open to any entity that provides or supports health services in the state of Connecticut. An organization shall be considered an official coalition member organization after signing and submitting a member agreement form.*

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By signing the agreement, Coalition member organizations will:

    • Provide representation at Coalition meetings
    • Participate in Coalition activities and help to ensure the coalition can meet its identified goals, priorities, and contractual deliverables
    • Participate in collaborative preparedness planning efforts
      Participate in the development of surge capacity plans, inter-organizational agreements, and collaborative emergency response plans
    • Vote on coalition activities and elections
    • Respond, as able, to emergencies and disasters in collaboration with other Coalition members
    • Work to implement emergency preparedness and response capability guidelines within the member’s organization
    • Update all applicable information sharing/resource coordination platforms (e.g. ProtectAdvisr™, WebEOC, LTC MAP)

For more information about eligibility criteria and responsibilities, please refer to the CT HCC Bylaws.

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Member Organization Types

All reasonable efforts shall be made to ensure membership is broadly representative of Connecticut’s healthcare system partners and not focused on one specific sector of healthcare. The coalition consists of core members along with a variety of additional members.

Core Members

Core HCC participants shall include, at a minimum, the following
representatives from:

    • Hospitals
    • Emergency medical services (EMS)
    • Emergency Management
    • Connecticut Department of Public Health, Public Health
      Preparedness and Response Section
    • Local Public Health Agencies

Additional Members

Additional HCC members may include but are not limited to the following:

    • Behavioral health services and organizations (including substance
      abuse treatment facilities)
    • Community Emergency Response Team and Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
    • Dialysis centers and regional Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)-funded end-stage renal disease networks
    • Federal facilities (e.g., U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers, Indian Health Service facilities, military treatment facilities)
    • Home health agencies (including home and community-based
    • Infrastructure companies (e.g., utility and communication
    • Jurisdictional partners, including cities, counties, and tribes
    • Local chapters of health care professional organizations (e.g.,
      medical society, professional society, hospital association)
    • Local public safety agencies (e.g., law enforcement and fire
    • Medical and device manufacturers and distributors
    • Non-governmental organizations (e.g., American Red Cross, voluntary organizations active in disasters, amateur radio operators, etc.)
    • Outpatient health care delivery (e.g., ambulatory care, clinics,
      community and tribal health centers, Federally Qualified Health Centers, urgent care centers, freestanding emergency rooms, standalone surgery centers)
    • Primary care providers
    • Schools and universities, including academic medical centers
    • Skilled nursing, nursing, and long-term care facilities
    • Support service providers (e.g., clinical laboratories, pharmacies, radiology, blood banks, poison control centers)
    • And more! (e.g., childcare services, dental clinics, social work services, faith-based organizations)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I have been serving as a designated CT HCC Voting Member in the past. Does my organization still need to sign a Member Agreement form?

Answer: Yes, all organizations wishing to benefit from Member Organization designation should sign a Member Agreement regardless of previous voting eligibility.

Question: There are multiple people from my organization who would like to be involved in the CT HCC. Who should sign the agreement?

Answer: As part of the Member Agreement Form, your organization will designate a primary and secondary representative for voting purposes. If your organization has additional individuals who would like to be involved in the CT HCC, they are encouraged to email to be added to the Coalition distribution list. Only the two representatives designated on the Member Agreement Form are eligible to vote on Coalition on behalf of a member organization. If your organization needs to change your primary or secondary representative at any time, please let CT HCC Staff know of your changing representative by filling out the Member Agreement form again and including the new representative(s).

Question: My hospital is part of a hospital system. Should I sign a Member Agreement form?

Answer: The Coalition typically maintains one signed Member Agreement form per hospital system. If you are unsure about whether your hospital system has a Member Agreement form, please contact

Question: The primary and/or secondary representative I initially designated on the Member Agreement form is changing. What do I do?

Answer: Please let CT HCC Staff know of your changing representative by filling out the Member Agreement form again and including the new representative(s).

Question: Can my organization be a part of the CT HCC without signing a Member Agreement form/being a Member Organization?

Answer: Yes, you can become a Partner organization. However, your organization will be limited by the following:

        • You will not be eligible to vote on coalition business (one vote per member organization).
        • You will not be eligible to use coalition-funded equipment.


Question: Am I limited to signing a Member Agreement form in a specific timeframe?

Answer: No, your organization can sign a Member Agreement at any time as long as that organization qualifies as a Partner Organization. A Partner Organization shall be deemed in good standing and is considered a Partner if the representative has attended, either in person, by phone, or virtual meeting, at least two of the regularly scheduled CT HCC meetings within a 12- month period.

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* The agreement is not legally binding and is a good-faith agreement that CT HCC member organizations will support and integrate within existing health and medical response and recovery activities within the parameters of statutory authority, jurisdictional and/or organizational Emergency Operations Plans and as defined within the principles of emergency management.

† These core participants are designated by ASPR.