CT HCC Special Project Information

Applications have closed for this fiscal year (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025), and the coalition does not anticipate opening another round of applications. Thank you to all who submitted applications.

Did you know the Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC) has a special project fund for competitive project applications across the state? It's one of the many ways that the CT HCC improves disaster resilience within the Connecticut healthcare delivery workforce. Projects may be submitted by CT HCC members, partners, or sponsored vendors as long as the project’s outcomes benefit Connecticut’s healthcare sector. Keep reading to learn how to apply, and contact grants@cthcc.org with any questions you may have.

Resources for Awardees

Congratulations on your special project award! Here are some resources you will need to ensure that reporting and reimbursement is a smooth process.

Helpful Links

Progress Reporting and Reimbursement Process

Subrecipients must submit a progress and financial update, including a reimbursement request, via the Special Project Quarterly Progress Reporting Form once every quarter. This requirement applies regardless of whether any funds have been expended during the quarter. The report must detail the progress made towards the project goals, including any challenges encountered and steps taken to address them. These progress reports are crucial for ongoing project evaluation and accountability.

Quarterly Reports are Due by:
December 31, 2024
March 31, 2025
May 31, 2025

Subrecipients are required to include a completed Project Reimbursement Request Form when submitting the Quarterly Progress Reporting Form. You received this form with your other award materials. Project Reimbursement Request Forms submitted incorrectly and/or incomplete will be rejected and will delay reimbursement.

Maintain a digital copy of all project-related expenditures and receipts. Receipts and/or proof of payment must accompany all expenditures.

Reimbursement Procedures
  1. Once you have returned your signed Subrecipient Contract, you may begin to expend the funds for your project. Note: You will only be reimbursed up to the amount listed on your Subrecipient Contract. Any expenditures over the approved amount will not be reimbursed.
  2. Scan all receipts/invoices and proof of payment related to the project expenditures into one PDF file.
    • Title the document "Project Reimbursement Receipts_[Organization Name]_[Date of Report]”.
    • Highlight or notate any project expenditures requested for reimbursement if they are on the same receipt as other purchases not included on the project.
  3. Complete the Project Reimbursement Request Form (you may add rows as needed to capture all the expenditures for reimbursement).
    • Save it with the title "Project Reimbursement Request Form [Organization Name]_[Date of Report].”
    • Note: Be sure to include the page number of the receipt (column G) that is associated with each line in the reimbursement form.
    • Note: Be sure to include the page number of the proof of payment (column H) that is associated with each line in the reimbursement form. d. Upload both the Project Reimbursement Request Form and Reimbursement Receipt files when completing the Special Project Quarterly Progress Reporting Form.
  4. Subrecipients will submit all documentation via the Special Project Quarterly Progress Reporting Form by May 31, 2025. If documentation and associated receipts are not submitted by 11:59PM on May 31, 2025, the funds will be forfeited by the subrecipient.
  5. When the receipts and project budget have been reconciled, the Readiness and Response Coordinator and/or designee will confirm by email that all documents are in order and they will submit the packet to the Fiscal Agent for reimbursement.
  6. The Fiscal Agent will mail a reimbursement check or process an electronic payment to the organization at the address on the Project Reimbursement Request Form, provided by the subrecipient, within 30 days of receiving a complete request for reimbursement packet.

Special Projects Process

Previously Funded Projects

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Which organizations can apply for funding?

Answer: This pool of funding is open to all members, partners, and sponsored vendors. Any organization can apply for special project funding as long as the project's outcomes benefit Connecticut's healthcare sector.

Question: I'm a vendor. Can I apply for funding?

Answer: Individuals or organizations who provide services or products directly related to the scope of this program must partner with a member organization to apply for special project funding.

Question: Who reviews, scores, and votes for these projects?

Answer: Once the application period closes, all submissions will be reviewed for completeness and eligibility by the CT HCC Staff.

Next, applications will be sent to CT HCC Executive Committee for review, scoring, and voting. In the past, coalition projects were scored and voted on by all Active (voting) Members. The CT HCC now has an Executive Committee that ensures that the allocation of resources align with the strategic goals and objectives of the coalition by scoring and voting on projects. For more information about the Executive Committee structure, makeup, and mission, please refer to the CT HCC Bylaws.

Projects will be voted on individually in order of highest ranked score until either funding runs out or there are no projects to approve.

Question: When will applicants be notified about the awards?

Answer: Approved project applicants will be notified within one week of the Executive Committee during which projects are voted on, and will receive a Notice of Award and Subrecipient Contract for signature.

Question: What kind of geographic impact should my project have?

Answer: All projects should have an impact that extends beyond your organization's four walls. This means that a project's activities should have a broader influence and effect on the regions, jurisdictions, and communities surrounding your organization.

Question: I received a special project award. When can I start spending money?

Answer: Congratulations on your award! The CT HCC can reimburse any allowable purchases related to your project that take place between the day you sign your contract and the day you submit your final reimbursement documentation and request. Purchases made before contract signature cannot be reimbursed by the CT HCC.

Question: I am requesting reimbursement for a project. What constitutes proof of payment?

Answer: Subrecipients are required to submit a completed special project reimbursement request form with all relevant cells filled out, along with proof of invoice and proof of payment.

Proof of payment for reimbursement typically includes documentation that clearly demonstrates a transaction has occurred and payment has been made. Here are the common types of proof of payment that are usually acceptable for reimbursement:

      • Itemized Receipts: These include details of what was purchased, the amount paid, date of purchase, and the vendor's information.
      • E-Receipts: Digital receipts sent via email or available for download from an online transaction.
      • Paid Invoices: Invoices that are marked as paid, either with a stamp, signature, or notation indicating that the payment has been received.
      • Transaction Details: Bank statements showing the transaction date, amount, and recipient information.
      • Redacted Statements: If privacy is a concern, other unrelated transactions can be redacted.
      • Transaction Records: Statements that list the date, amount, and vendor of the transaction.
      • Scanned Copies: Scanned or digital images of the front and back of a canceled check, showing it has been processed by the bank.

If more than one document is required to clearly demonstrate that a transaction has occurred and payment has been made, you can submit them together as proof of payment.

Question: If I have questions about the application process or reporting requirements, who do I ask?

Answer: Please direct questions to the CT HCC Special Projects email, grants@cthcc.org.

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