Welcome to the Connecticut Health Care Coalition Newsletter

The mission of the Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC) is to promote collaboration, education, and joint exercises during the planning and preparedness phases of emergency management. During real-world operations, the mission of the CT HCC is to help identify resources at the state and sub-state levels, and to collect, analyze, validate, and disseminate essential elements of information (EEIs) to partner agencies.
CT HCC Conference Registration is Open until March 10th!
Join us at the CT HCC MEDSAT Redundant Communications Drill

Special Project Funding Applications Are Open Until March 8th!

The Connecticut Health Care Coalition (CT HCC) has established $149,480.52 in a special project fund for competitive project applications. Projects may be submitted by CT HCC members, stakeholders or vendors as long as the project’s outcomes benefit Connecticut’s healthcare sector, as a whole.
Ready to Apply?
Submit your project today!
Write for the Newsletter!
Join a Workgroup!
The CT HCC completes deliverables through the collaborative effort of its membership. This is achieved most often via work groups made up of multiple members, guests, and CT HCC staff.
Are you interested in joining a workgroup? If so, please sign up for one using the link below or the QR code to the right. There is currently one workgroup that would benefit from new members:
Plans Workgroup - The CT HCC has various plans and annexes that must be created and updated this year. Members and guests are welcome to participate in this workgroup. This group will meet approximately once a month until June 2024. Since plans are hospital-focused, more hospital representatives would provide a benefit to the planning process.
MGT-341 Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations within
the Community Infrastructure

TEEX is offering a local delivery of MGT-341 Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations within the Community Infrastructure. This course is scheduled for delivery on March 12-23, 2024 and will be delivered at Post University in Waterbury, CT. This course provides an opportunity for participants to acquire the knowledge and
skills necessary to help them ensure the sustainability of their resources, facilities, and organizations during all types of disasters.
For more information about this course, please refer to the course flyer.
Register HERE
Location: Post University, 800 Country Club Rd., Waterbury, CT 06708
Date: March 12-13, 2024, 8 AM- 5PM EST.

Connecticut Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program Kick-Off Conference

This is a kick off for the Mobile Integrated Healthcare program in Connecticut. This conference is being held at CHA in Wallingford with an option to join virtually via Zoom. See conference flyer here.
Register for in-person attendance HERE and Zoom attendance HERE
Location: 110 Barnes Road, Wallingford CT 06492 or virtually via Zoom
Date: March 13, 2024, 9 AM- 4 PM EST.
Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator Conference

This is the 2nd Annual PECC Conference
Register HERE
Location: Middlesex Hospital, 28 Crescent St. Middletown, CT - Bengston/Baggish Conference Room
Date: March 22, 2024, 9 AM- 2 PM EST.
Healthcare Coalition of Rhode Island Annual Conference

This is the 2nd Annual PECC Conference
Register HERE
Location: Crowne Plaza, 801 Greenwich Ave, RI
Date: April 4, 2024
Connecticut Trauma Conference

This year, the theme of the conference is Perspectives in Trauma.
Injury and trauma have far reaching implications that affect patient outcomes in the realms of functional health, mental health, and public health. This conference provides updates on the latest evidence-based care through thought-provoking debates, engaging lectures and case studies.
Register HERE
Location: Mohegan Sun Casino, Uncasville, CT
Date: April 24-25, 2024
Farfield County Trauma Response Team Training

This training is for those on the front line, including Public Health and Health Care Workers, Behavioral Health Professionals, First Responders, and Volunteers.
Participants will learn to recognize their emotions and master coping strategies to deal with these responses. They will learn to identify symptoms of severe stress and trauma and receive specialized confidential treatment if needed. They will also learn about EMDR Therapy.
Register by emailing Sue Jacozzi. Provide your name, organization, and phone number. Registration is required.
Location: Fairfield University, Barone Campus Center, 1073 North Benson Rd. Fairfield, CT 06824
Date: April 24, 2024, 1-4 PM EST.
MGT 403: Underserved Populations Preparedness Planning for Rural Responders & Volunteers

MGT 403 is an 8-hour, DHS/FEMA-certified, tuition-free, management-level course. This course helps ensure the safety of underserved populations during a crisis event by increasing knowledge among community emergency planners in the area of preparedness. It encourages outreach to the whole community so that everyone considers what these individuals may require in terms of personalized care, transportation, shelter, and medical assistance before the crisis occurs. This course focuses on the preparedness phase of emergency management
Register HERE by May 29
Location: Virtually via Zoom
Date: June 5-6, 2024, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST.
Connecticut Emergency Management Symposium
This is a statewide municipal government event that offers a full day of informative workshops, interactive discussions, networking opportunities, and vendors showcasing relevant products and services. For more information, visit the CCM website.
Register HERE by May 29
Location: Camp Nett, 38 Smith Street, Niantic, CT 06357
Date: April 23, 2024, 2024, 8 AM - 4 PM EST.
NEW DATE for Panflu Tabletop Exercise
NEMTEC Course List for March and April
The following courses will be offered through the Northeast Emergency Management Training & Education Center's (NEMTEC) in March and April 2024:
Training Name | Location | Date |
Basic Shelter Operations | MEMA Region-1 REOC Operations Room | March 11, 2024 |
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Awareness Level | Virtual | March 12, 2024 |
ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents | Massachusetts Maritime Academy | March 22, 2024 |
ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents | Plymouth Emergency Operations Center | April 8, 2024 |
CERT Train-the-Trainer | MEMA Regional Office | April 25, 2024 |
For more information about these courses or to register for a course, please visit the NEMTEC website.
Vermont Healthcare Coalition, EMS and Preparedness Conference

All Clear Emergency Management Group has the following upcoming free webinars:
Email your coalition coordinators at Coordinator@CTHCC.org with questions, comments, or to assist you with any of your preparedness needs.